But the NHS as a 'learning organisation' does not always make the most of opportunities.....
In the UK, the most impressive success with patients becoming involved and engaged with a section of their record through an electronic medium is almost certainly 'Renal Patient View'. This had been developed to enable patients with kidney disease to take a full and active part in managing their condition. And crucially it is useful to both patients and clinicians alike, with positive impact on self care motivation, and enabling improvements in quality of patient care and care planning.
If like me you want to learn more have a look at the site below:
For more detailed information they have two excellent recent publications, firstly the final evaluation report on Renal Patient View
Secondly a short guide on how to encourage patients to use the service:
So - involve the clinicians, sort out the administration, value and use the facility and encourage patients to use it - Simples! Pointing the way ahead for GP record access......
Peter S