Wednesday 2 November 2011

Rodent Medical records on-line

Mickey and Minnie Mouse are two of the most interesting patients on my practice list. They have a range of bizarre illnesses, complex histories, multiple medications, allergies and immunisations!
I expect most GP surgeries have a Minnie and Mickey, or 'patients' like them. They are 'dummy' patient records where we practice electronic record use, and train new staff.
Well I am delighted to announce that this couple are the first from my surgery to have the benefit of 'electronic record access'. And how do they feel about the process and experience? Well I have not had a squeak of complaint from them yet. The registration process at the surgery was straightforward, they have an identity number and password to enter the appointment and medication requesting section via the surgery website. There is an additional password requirement to get into the medical record section, and being forgetful mice, they share the same 'easy to remember' password. (I will have to consider giving advice about secure passwords)
I am very grateful that they have given me verbal permission to use their records to demonstrate the reality to others, and to test that the system works!

For those with an interest in finding out more about records access, there are a number of individuals in England who have long experience and are happy to share knowledge and lessons through websites. I would suggest Brian Fisher who is a longstanding respected advocate of patient access to health information, and was one of the founders of PAERS   (, and Amir Hannan a GP in Glossop who hosts a highly informative and interactive website (

But more to come from my more 'skeptical' practice in future notes, and a glimpse of what is available about ‘Minnie & Mickey’ on-line.

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